General information
General information about Conveyor Accessories
Direct or the various types of product we sell can be found on the
main menu on the left under “Useful
Logging in to the CAD website
You can browse the CAD website without needing to
Login (existing customers) or register (new customers) but you will be
asked to do this before you complete your order. The registration
process is quick and easy and will save you time the next time you
order and also allow you to review your previous orders and order
status. To register or Login click the Login link on the left
hand side of the shopping pages or when asked to do so (if you have
not yet done this) when viewing your shopping basket.
Finding a product
There are three ways of finding a particular
- Click on one of the product category pictures in
the middle of the Home Page. This will either take you to a
list of subcategories to choose from (also by clicking on the
pictures) or directly to a list of products. Clicking on the
picture on the list of products will bring up the product details
page which will enable you to place an order.
- Use the menu on the left hand side to select a
product category (eg Adjustable feet) or a subcategory
(eg Adjustable feet with plastic bases) or a specific product
(eg Adjustable feet with plastic bases and a stem thread diameter of
16mm). As described above, if necessary. make further selections
until you reach the product details page.
- Enter a complete or partial catalogue part
number or description (eg Feet or Rollers) in the search box on
the left hand side of the shopping pages and click the “Search”
button. This will list the products resulting from the search and
also present options (at the top of the page) for refining the
search if necessary. As above clicking on the product picture
will reveal the product details page.
Product options
As manufacturers we are able to offer many different
options on our products and a summary of these can be viewed by
clicking on the “Options” tab on the product details page. The
option selections are made using the “drop down” lists at the bottom
of the product details page and if you are uncertain about these then
please Call 07895889457 between 9am and 5pm Monday – Friday.
If additional costs are incurred by the selection of an option then
this is indicated on the list itself and is also detailed in the
shopping basket. Products can easily be reviewed and if necessary
removed (from the shopping basket) at a later stage.
After reviewing your order in the shopping basket
and checking that you have selected the appropriate options then click
the “Checkout” button (if by this stage you have not
Logged in (existing customer) or Registered (new customer) you will
need to do so before being presented with the option to check out. You
can check-out using PayPal or by automatic Email Order.
For non-account customers if you select “Email Order” you will need to
call us to pay by credit or debit card to complete your order (Call
07895889457 between 9am and 5pm Monday – Friday). If you choose
to pay by PayPal you do not need a PayPal account because the system
allows you to pay by credit or debit card as a guest. However if you
do have a PayPal account the checkout process can be completed in a
few clicks!
